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Meet the 2024 Rad Award Nominees

These are the badass women — and allies — on the short list for the first post-pandemic Rad Awards. Join The Citizen and Rad Girls to celebrate the winners on July 17

Meet the 2024 Rad Award Nominees

These are the badass women — and allies — on the short list for the first post-pandemic Rad Awards. Join The Citizen and Rad Girls to celebrate the winners on July 17

Rad Girls founder Leah Kauffman was all set to kick off her 6th annual Rad Awards in 2020 when … well, you know. That makes this year’s first post-pandemic celebration of kickass Philly women all the sweeter.

Since 2015, Kauffman’s Rad Girls has honored 50 women — along with a handful of male allies — for their work as business leaders, lawyers, activists, storytellers, connectors and more. Another 200 were nominated. And hundreds turned out every year to applaud them at a cocktail party, with Kauffman enthusiastically and joyfully leading the way.

For this year’s Rad Awards, Kauffman partnered with The Citizen to call for nominations in 17 different categories. We received close to 200 suggestions, which we narrowed down to four nominees in each category. Now, we invite everyone — that means you! — to help us honor them, and find out the winner in each category, at a cocktail party at the Kimpton Palomar Hotel on July 17. (Reserve your spot here.)

This year’s Rad Awards nominees are:

Nonprofit leader


Sports Pro



  • Sindi Banaj and Maryem Bouatlaoui, Co-creators, Finiverse
  • Leslie Chapman, Engineering Fellow, Comcast
  • Dr. Marylyn D. Ritchie, Vice Dean of Artificial Intelligence and Computing, Penn Medicine
  • Melissa Scott, Chief Information Officer, City of Philadelphia


  • Dr. Deborah Crabbe, Cardiologist and Professor, Medicine, Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University
  • Dr. Joan Lau, Chief Executive Officer, of Spirovant
  • Dr. Raina Merchant, Vice President, Chief Transformation Officer, Penn Medicine
  • Taci Pereira, CEO, Systemic Bio



Style Influencer

Wellness Woman

Hospitality Star





Rad Ally

Rad Girl of the Year


We’ll name one winner in each category at the party on July 17. Expect applause, smiles and roars. As Kauffman said last month when we opened the 2024 nominations, “There will always be an appetite for the joy and recognition and celebrating the achievements of these women.”

Become a sponsor of Rad Girls. We can use you! Please contact us for more information about ways to be a part of the celebration.


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