
Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on The ABCs of Book Banning

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews 101-year-old book activist Grace Linn and George M. Johnson, author of All Boys Aren't Blue

By Ali Velshi
Ideas We Should Steal

The School Day When No One Eats Alone

Lots of kids feel socially isolated — especially at lunchtime. A national movement is working to change that, today

By Michaela Haas

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on North Dakota’s Anti-Library Crusade

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews Taylor Brorby, author of Boys and Oil, who found safe haven in books and libraries growing up. Unfortunately today's kids may not have that luxury.

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews Stephen Chobsky, whose classic The Perks of Being a Wallflower has literally stopped suicides

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi On Young People Who Don’t Understand the Holocaust

The MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member laments the vast ignorance of the most basic facts of recent world history

By Ali Velshi
Citizen of the Year Awards

Sarahi Franco-Morales

The South Philly native has helped feed hundreds of families, translated at City Council meetings, advocated for fair housing and employment, and tutored kids to read. And she’s only 18

By Jessica Blatt Press
Art for Change

The Deliberate Photographer

Kenyssa Evans is not a stereotypical Gen Z. She eschews social media, works slowly and intentionally, and prefers working in the shadows on her sensory images of Blackness in America.

By Logan Cryer

Improv to the Rescue

Philly’s robust improv community is using the comedy staple as an avenue for spreading life skills, connections and conversation for those who most need it (i.e., all of us)

By Daralyse Lyons

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on The Bell Jar

The MSNBC host and Citizen board member interviews Emily Van Duyne, Sylvia Plath expert and author of the upcoming book Loving Sylvia Plath

By Ali Velshi

Ali Velshi Banned Book Club on how LGBTQ+ Books Literally Save Lives

The MSNBC host talks with PFLAG CEO Brian Bond on the role LGBTQ+ books play in the community and the harm book bans are doing

By Ali Velshi