Guest Commentary

Chinatown, Equity Partner

Forget a Chinatown community benefits agreement, a Philly native-turned New York storyteller says. The Sixers should offer the neighborhood a real partnership

By Alexander Narvekar Hughes
Guest Commentary

Urban Doom Loop … Really?

A story in the Wall Street Journal last week singled Philly out for having an empty office district. The head of the Center City District wonders: Do facts even matter anymore?

By Paul R. Levy
Ideas We Should Steal

More Parklets

Mini on-street parks in cities like Chicago build community and help businesses thrive. So why doesn’t Philly have more of them?

By Natalie Pompilio

Turning Offices Into Homes

Nearly half of all Center City office space is vacant, while the need for available housing persists. Drexel’s Metro Finance head offers lessons from other cities on how to bridge that gap

By Bruce Katz
Memo to Madam Mayor

Radically Rethink Transit

The next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker offers a new way to think about getting around from a former city transportation official

By Robert Ravelli

Cherelle Parker Can Solve Our Housing Crisis

The presumptive Mayor-elect has pledged to build 30,000 new affordable homes. Philly 3.0’s engagement editor lays out how a growth machine agenda could help her get there

By Jon Geeting

Supply, Stability and Subsidy

Philly 3.0’s engagement director on how a growth machine agenda under the next mayor could finally address the city’s housing crisis

By Jon Geeting

Keep Pennsylvanians … in Pennsylvania

The state is losing residents to less expensive and less taxed states down south. We must prove, a free-market analyst urges, that we are “open for business”

By Nathan Benefield
Ideas We Should Steal

Boosting Neighborhood Commercial Corridors

A $185 million effort in Detroit is jumpstarting equitable development and increasing population in the city’s neighborhoods. Drexel’s Metro Finance head on what Philly can learn from the program

By Bruce Katz

What U.S. Cities Can Teach the World

Drexel’s Metro Finance head is helping the United Kingdom plan the future of its cities — using America as a model

By Bruce Katz