Ideas We Should Steal

Transit Oriented Development

The Fruitvale Transit Village in Oakland has brought many of the benefits associated with gentrification—but few of the negatives

By Mark Dent

Why Philly Should Bring Back the Rooming House

L&I head David Perri is right—co-living may be the best way to create affordable housing in a city that desperately needs it

By Diana Lind
Reality Check

The Looming Public Housing Fiasco

In the wake of HUD chief Ben Carson’s proposal to triple public housing rent, WURD’s afternoon host calls on the City to find a real solution to our rental woes

By Charles D. Ellison

How the City Botched Land Assessments—Again

The Office of Property Assessments released its 2019 land assessments last week. Too bad they don’t make more sense

By Jon Geeting

Where’s the Love in LOVE Park?

What was once an example of organic, messy urban life now feels like a graceless plane. Is that the sort of city we want?

By Diana Lind

Lessons From The High Line

Philly’s ambitious Rail Park project breaks ground in the spring. Can we learn from New York’s experience and use it to help build affordable housing?

By Mark Dent
Reality Check

Where is the real outrage over parking?

WURD’s afternoon host decries what’s missing from PPA conversations: The targeting of poor neighborhoods

By Charles D. Ellison

Can Jobs Solve Philly’s Housing Problem?

Yes, the rent is too damn high, but it's because the pay is too damn low

By Diana Lind

Scofflaws vs. School Kids

A Parking Authority audit showed that unpaid tickets hurt the schools. Why does City Council want to make that worse?

By Jon Geeting
Ideas We Should Steal

Temporary Bike Grids

In Macon, GA, a temporary bike grid generated thousands of new daily cyclists. Could similar measures change things for bicyclists in Philadelphia?

By Quinn O'Callaghan