Omar Blaik and U3 Advisors
The West Philadelphia guy who tackled Penntrification now works to preserve and enhance neighborhoods around college and corporate campuses nationwide
By Natalie PompilioThe Equity Test
The Enterprise Center, Equity Alliance and Drexel’s Nowak Metro Finance Lab have co-created a plan to revive small, minority-owned businesses on Philly’s 52nd Street Corridor. Here’s why it matters
By Bruce KatzWhat City Council Got Right on Housing
A new report shows the city’s housing density bonus has helped hundreds of low-income homeowners pay for repairs. Philly 3.0’s engagement director lays out why that matters
By Jon GeetingWhat to Do With the Philadelphia Roundhouse
The City plans to sell the old police headquarters. Can — and will — it be redeveloped in a way that respects the building’s history?
By Courtney DuCheneKensington Corridor Trust
An innovative model for community-business development provides opportunity for current and new residents to thrive in a Philadelphia neighborhood experiencing both investment and crisis
By Christina GriffithThe Urgent Need for Public-Public Partnerships
A conversation with a Philly official taught Drexel’s Finance Metro head to think differently about what cities need to succeed
By Bruce KatzPublic Toilets
Sometimes, you really, really need to go. That’s why Philly is looking to Portland to adopt a successful model of free public bathrooms.
By J.P. RomneyWhat The Inquirer Got Wrong About FDR Park
A recent editorial declared support for remaking the South Philly park as an outdoor turf sports complex. That is not what we really need
By Lauren McCutcheonThe Rising Threat to Homeowners
One quarter of all home sales in Philly are to corporate investors, not residents. Drexel’s Metro Finance Director joins the Reinvestment Fund in laying out why that matters — and what can be done to stem the tide
By BRUCE KATZ, BEN PREIS, IRA GOLDSTEIN AND EMILY DOWDALLThe West Philly Housing Crisis That Was Utterly Avoidable
The UC Townhomes fiasco features a wealthy, easy-to-blame institution; fact-challenged protestors; an elected official who may be in over her head, and a compromise solution everybody seems hell bent on ignoring
By Larry Platt