Topic: Citizen Mystery Shopper

Fixing A Voting Envelope That is Sealed Shut
I planned to vote early, by mail or drop box. But like hundreds of Philadephians, I received a pristine ballot — and stuck-closed secrecy and mailing envelopes. City Commissioners’ Office to the rescue!
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
Does City Council Answer Residents, Like, Literally?
Our Gen Z Mystery Shopper reached out to each member of Philadelphia City Council via email and phone to ask what they are doing about climate change. Here’s what happened
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
License to Marry
Our Philly-dwelling mystery shopper wanted to marry the love of her life — in Maryland. Here’s what happened when she tried to get a license
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
Registering to Vote for the First Time
Our city-dwelling, non-driving Mystery Shopper turned 18 a few months before the election. Why was it so hard to register to vote?
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
Clawing Out of Philly Taxpayer Hell
The most-taxed big city in America claimed our Mystery Shopper owed more than $30,000 in unpaid business taxes that were already paid. Cue long wait times. Ineptitude. Mounting accountant’s bills. Confusion. Collections … and more
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
ChatGPT, Can You Help Me … Vote?
A recent study found AI platforms to be 51 percent inaccurate when it comes to voting and election info. In the latest installment of our Mystery Shopper series, a Citizen voter tries to see if the AI tech can be helpful after all.
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
Being a Poll Worker in Philadelphia
Wondering what it’s like to be a poll worker for an election in Philadelphia? In the latest installment of our Mystery Shopper column, a local student shares his experience.
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
Recovering a Stolen Kia (Screw You, Kia Boyz)
An East Kensington resident was a victim of the “Kia Boyz” car theft trend. Here’s what happened when they tried to get their car back

“Curing” a Ballot at City Hall
One of the 3,400 Philadelphians whose ballots got rejected goes to City Hall to get it replaced. Here’s how that goes.

Getting flood prevention help from the City
A City program is supposed to give free plumbing upgrades to homeowners who experience flooding. But after city sewage pours into a basement, just how hard is it to get the Water Department to install a flood prevention device?