
Stand Up & Shout
Philly-raised filmmakers Mike Jackson, Ty Stiklorius and Amy Schatz — along with John Legend — debut their short documentary about Hill-Freedman high school songwriters November 7. Watch it on HBO — and then see the kids at our Ideas We Should Steal Festival
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
More Out-of-School Programs for Philly Kids
Greater Philadelphia Extracurricular Collaborative suggests Philadelphia’s next leader look to successful OST programs in Los Angeles and Boston — and engage a qualified local partner to build a legacy of caring for our students
By Laura Johnson Beth Devine and Shira Hodges
A Different Kind of Education Promise
The founder of a Black teacher pipeline wonders: Isn’t it time to make a long-term investment in our public school children’s futures?
By Sharif El-Mekki
Honoring Penn’s Once-Overlooked Nobel Prize Winner
Katalin Karikó and her research partner did the science that led to the Covid-19 vaccine. A longtime university president suggests lessons we should take from her story
By Elaine Maimon
Reading Promise Week
A weeklong celebration of literacy seeks to empower Philadephians of all ages to find strength, and joy, in literacy.
By Erinda Sheno
Why Are We Not Standing Up For Books?
A Montco state senator has proposed a ban on all book bans in Pennsylvania. This should be something everyone agrees on
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Time To Move Past the School Voucher Debate
A longtime university president and public schools advocate urges compromise so low-income students can get the education they deserve today — and public schools can thrive
By Elaine Maimon
A Better Budget for the School District
The court has promised more and equitable funding for Philadelphia schools. But, a longtime educator notes, all that money won’t matter if the District doesn’t fix how it budgets
By Peshe Kuriloff
What Temple’s New President Must Do
A longtime university president urges the Temple Board of Trustees to select a successor who embodies the best of late President JoAnne Epps
By Elaine Maimon
JoAnne Epps’ Legacy — In the End, Love is What Matters
Following the death of Temple University’s president, Philadelphia grieved in a way that was different — probably because she was.
By Josh Kruger