Hunting History

A local program has brought history to life for 15,000 students—and teaches citizenship, too

By Karen Chernick

Cooking, Eating and Learning

What happens when school children learn to cook healthy food? They eat healthier

By Rebecca Pepper Sinkler
The Citizen Recommends

Katrina Stevens

As part of a Drexel series on rethinking learning, the tech ed entrepreneur and former Obama advisor will explore the best uses of technology in the classroom

By Jamie Bogert
Your City Defined

School Reform Commission

Though “reform” is a relative term

By J.P. Romney
Meet the Disruptor


Through free tech classes to middle school girls in Philly, the nonprofit hopes to shape the technology industry into a more equitable place for everyone

By Quinn O'Callaghan
The Citizen Updates

Rebel Ventures

The crew of high school students have fed students throughout the School District—part of their plan to bring healthy snacks to every child

By Jamie Bogert

Shopping, Prepping, Eating and Sharing a New World

How the Free Library brings the joys of cooking to new Philadelphians

By Nina Solis

At What Price Soda Tax?

A recent TV investigative report of the city’s pre-K initiative raises questions about just what it means to be progressive in Philadelphia

By Larry Platt

Summer Ends…Learning Starts

For North Philly middle school students, a poem reminds them that all things end—even summer vacation

By Sara Albert

The Anti School Choice Hypocrisy

A Mastery charter school principal calls out his anti-charter friends for denying choice—but only for black students

By Sharif El-Mekki