Where is Home?
A Penn student’s program for African immigrant children explores what it means to have a home in two worlds—and what language to say it in
By Lorene CaryKickUp
The Philly startup helps school districts teach teachers better, so they can teach students better
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyA Year of Writing Dangerously
With freedom to say what they feel, daughters tell it like it is
By Tina Smith-BrownWho cares about bullying in Philly?
WURD’s afternoon host calls on the school district to heed the call for better anti-bullying practices—before it’s too late
By Charles D. EllisonChallah for Hunger
A 13-year-old hunger-fighting group with 10,000 student volunteers turns it attention to a crisis in its midst: campus hunger
By Jamie BogertReading Lesson No 1—Teach the Teachers
How can all students learn to read by 4th grade if so many teachers struggle with teaching reading?
By Hilderbrand Pelzer IIITransforming Children’s Futures
The students of Jubilee School demand a future that is safe and just for all children
By Jubilee School Fifth and Sixth GradersHow Do We Pay for Local Control of the Schools?
With the SRC disbanding, WURD’s afternoon host offers two ideas to avoid raising taxes
By Charles D. EllisonTalking ‘Bout A Revolution
Mayor Kenney’s dissolving of the SRC is an opportunity to take a page from Silicon Valley and radically rethink education.
By Ajay RajuAnother “for the kids” tax?
WURD’s afternoon host warns of the possible consequences of local school board control: More taxes on the poor
By Charles D. Ellison