“This is a time for extraordinary courage”

Environmental crusader and restaurant icon Judy Wicks gave a commencement address to Drexel grads this month. Her message: Planet saving is everyone’s job

By Judy Wicks
Citizen of the Week

Laurada Byers

With her new book, the founder of Russell Byers Charter School inspires by telling deep truths

By Jessica Blatt Press

The (New) Sound of Philly

Students at Hill-Freedman World Academy have created an album that showcases the power of music to unite, with cameos from Chill Moody and...Bill Hite?

By Jessica Blatt Press
Citizens Of The Week

Philly’s Teachers

It’s the last day of public school in Philly. Let’s give teachers a hand as they embark on their much-deserved summer break

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Guest Commentary

Is School Choice the Black Choice?

Deficits impacting Black America are not closing fast enough. An education reformer argues that school choice aids the cause of equality

By Lenny McCallister

“I Want You To Change the World”

Criminal Justice reformer Bryan Stevenson offered a prescription—and a plea—for Penn grads in his commencement speech today. We could all take heart

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
The Citizen Recommends

Rise & Dream Youth Conference

The free event is a call to action for Philly teens to carve their own unique path toward finding, and being, their best selves

By Jamie Bogert
Citizens of the Week

10,000 White Women—Doing the Work

There's no perfect way to talk about race. But four friends are igniting conversations among a group that could use more of them: white women

By Jessica Blatt Press
The Citizen Recommends

7th Annual Sojourner Truth Walk

This weekend, walk in solidarity with and support of the Philly girls who are upholding Truth’s legacy

By Jamie Bogert
Guest Commentary

“Philadelphia’s Education Mayor”

In the second of three pieces from the Democratic Mayoral campaigns, a supporter of Mayor Kenney reflects on his first term

By Ryan N. Boyer