Voice: Terrill Haigler

Memo to Madam Mayor
Clean Up Philly
“Ya Fav” Trashman urges Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker to do something unprecedented when she takes office in January: Seriously take on litter
By Terrill Haigler
Guest Commentary
Why I’m Running for City Council At-Large
“Ya Fav Trashman” says there’s more to his candidacy than just cleaning up the city
By Terrill Haigler
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How Surplus State Money Could Clean Up Philly — For Good
“Ya Fav Trashman” proposes using some of Pennsylvania's excess $12 billion to end illegal dumping and bring pride and progress back to Philly neighborhoods
By Terrill Haigler
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Ya Fav Trashman’s (New) Big Idea
The anti-litter evangelist plans to donate a big portion of sales of his new children’s book to schools — in a very Ya Fav way
By Terrill Haigler
Guest Commentary
We Can Have a Litter-Free Philly
In honor of Earth Day this week, clean Philly advocate Ya Fav Trashman shares his cures for our city’s litter epidemic
By Terrill Haigler