Voice: Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Stitching Our Futures
Mural Arts’ participatory quilting project invites all of us to imagine—and create—a city budget that reflects who we want to be
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyCan Free Cash Solve Philly’s Poverty Problem?
More than 30 cities, including ours, have signed on to give unrestricted cash payments to some residents this year. Is this a progressive fad or the way to really fix what ails us?
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy“Those Nerdy Girls” Explain The Pandemic to America
A volunteer team of women scientists, many from Philly, launched Dear Pandemic last year to spread real and clear information about Covid-19. They now speak to 1 million people a month.
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyHow To Reform The City Charter
Our Drexel class on rewriting Philly’s constitution last year produced dozens of ideas. Here are some of the best for changing the relationship between government and the governed.
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavySuck It, 2020!
A compendium of the things we cared about in a super crappy year
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy“Agents of Transformation”
We wrapped up our month long Ideas We Should Steal Festival with ideas, solutions and inspiration for creating a better Philadelphia
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyMeet Thomas Quinn
The Central High School social studies teacher is empowering our city’s youth to exercise their most profound civic right: voting
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyHope Matters
Five takeaways from Week 3 of our third annual Ideas We Should Steal Festival—and ways we can all take action to make change in Philly
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy“Joy Is A Form of Rebellion”
Five takeaways from Week 2 of our Ideas We Should Steal Festival—and ways we can all make a better city
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavySwap Columbus Day for an Election Day Holiday
The small city of Sandusky, Ohio, cancelled the out-of-step holiday in favor of one much needed. We should do that in Philly, too.
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy