Investment? What Investment?

Philly is blowing its chance to use its federal rescue funds to directly address intractable problems. Will Mayor Parker’s new budget follow Governor Shapiro’s blueprint and propose an “invest and grow” plan?

By Larry Platt

Learning on the Job

Neither Mayor Parker, Council President Johnson nor Council Majority Leader Gilmore Richardson have CEO experience. How are they going to make the switch from legislating to leading?

By Larry Platt

Is Philly About to Decide Democracy’s Future … Again?

Voter turnout in the biggest city of our key swing state is trending dangerously downward. Is Philly about to end democracy after saving it four years ago? Governor Shapiro has a warning for us

By Larry Platt

The War in University City

While student protestors and bullying Trustees at Penn continue shedding far more heat than light, there’s a different story at neighbor Drexel. Why?

By Larry Platt
Citizen of the Year Awards

Disruptors Ryan Boyer and Michael Forman

The finance CEO and labor leader are determined to make Philadelphia the most equitable, fastest growing big city in America together.

By Larry Platt
Citizen of the Year Awards

Why Lewis Katz?

The Citizen will bestow its inaugural Corporate Citizen of the Year award in the name of a late civic leader we ought not forget

By Larry Platt

Citizen Horwitz

When the $38 million state-of-the-art Philly Youth Basketball facility opens next week, it will be thanks to an 80-year-old, prank-pulling, courtside-sitting cult figure. And then there’s the time he was tossed from an NBA game…

By Larry Platt

The Dawn of the Kenyatta Era

Is the new president of Philadelphia City Council a new boss, or same as the old boss?

By Larry Platt

Jim Kenney’s Last Spin

A conventional wisdom is taking hold on the legacy of the outgoing mayor. But was it really the pandemic and second term factors beyond his control that did him in?

By Larry Platt

1933 Comes to Sansom Street

The protest in front of Michael Solomonov’s restaurant revealed more than know-nothingism

By Larry Platt