Tell Me, Don’t Sell Me

Just recovering from the shallowness of the primary season’s political advertising? You ain’t seen nothing yet

By Larry Platt
The Smuk Report

Hillary’s Emails and Kardashian Sex Tapes

In his latest political commentary, Ken Smukler pays homage to Muhammad Ali and skewers presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

By Larry Platt

Muhammad Ali’s Philadelphia Story

The city played a role in the making of the legend—and in the debate over the meaning of his legacy

By Larry Platt

Pension Paralysis

Center City businessman and philanthropist Richard Vague continues to challenge economic orthodoxy. Now he’s got pensions in his sights—and, yes, it is a crisis

By Larry Platt

Wanted—Developers to Sue City Council

With Ori Feibush’s win over Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, is Councilmanic Prerogative on the ropes? One crusading attorney hopes so

By Larry Platt
The Smuk Report

Have the GOP Lost Their Smuking Minds?

Ken Smukler takes on Paul Ryan, Bernie’s death march, and Hillary's encounter with angry coal-miners

By Larry Platt

Business, Man!

Can Tayyib Smith and Meegan Denenberg’s Institute of Hip Hop Entrepreneurship economically empower a generation of Philadelphians?

By Larry Platt

Politics Through The Looking Glass

Criticizing a local PAC for lack of transparency sounds like good government in action. In practice, it’s an endorsement of the status quo

By Larry Platt

“Don’t Forget Us”

Ed Snider’s passing prompts a look back to when Connie Smukler and a group of area housewives led the movement to save 1.5 million Soviet Jews

By Larry Platt
Sam Katz To Warren Buffett

“I’m F@#*%ing Nuts!”

The Wall Street Journal revisits a 20-year-old street brawl between the perennial mayoral candidate-turned-documentarian and the Oracle of Omaha

By Larry Platt