Voice: Larry Platt
Budget Games
Mayor Kenney says there’s no alternative to the soda tax to fund pre-K and Rebuild. Guess who disagrees? Candidate Kenney in 2015
By Larry PlattLauren Vidas
The next in an ongoing series looks at the former Council staffer and lobbyist who is challenging Councilman Kenyatta Johnson. Her slogan? “Expect more and demand better.”
By Larry PlattWhat Change Feels Like
Three months out from mayoral and council elections, is Philly’s political establishment heading for a reckoning?
By Larry PlattThe War On Growth
The city is banning cashless stores while the state cuts investment in tech startups. Remember when progressives used to believe in creating jobs?
By Larry PlattIs Allan Domb Running for Mayor?
And other speculations from the political class as election season revs up
By Larry PlattCity Council Candidate Justin DiBerardinis
The next in an ongoing series on the 37-year-old community organizer with a familiar last name who has some big ideas
By Larry PlattDoc’s Indefensible Defense
The union leader and Councilman Bobby Henon, both indicted, want you to believe they’re the victims. Be wary of that spin
By Larry PlattMichael Rubin’s $50 Million Big Bet
The entrepreneur and Meek Mill BFF doesn't do anything half-assed. The parole and probation system might not know what hit it
By Larry PlattThe Dougherty Fallout
The reaction to the federal indictment of the union leader and his acolyte, Councilman Bobby Henon, raises two questions: Where’s the outrage? And: Is corruption now on the ballot?
By Larry PlattThe Real News On Philly
A spate of national stories might have us feeling good about ourselves (and Gritty). But do they tell the story we should be telling about and to ourselves?
By Larry Platt