Election? What election?

Since we went to the polls, it’s been business as usual in city government. Does it have to be?

By Larry Platt

What Is The Citizen?

This week, the site's co-founder answered just that question. Hint: It has something to do with reinvigorating democracy

By Larry Platt

Election Blues

Some great things happened at the polls this week. So why was I tossing and turning after the results?

By Larry Platt

What’s Up With Those Endorsements, Inky?

The newspaper of record has weighed in with its election day choices. Can you find any consistency of logic between them?

By Larry Platt
New Blood

10th District Candidate Judy Moore

The first-time Council candidate is a true outsider who turned her own life around and now wants to do the same for her native Northeast

By Larry Platt

Stop The Presses—We Had a Debate

Last night’s mayoral debate actually had some substance. Who knew?

By Larry Platt

The Lingering Trauma of MOVE

Thirty-four years ago today, Philadelphia became the only city in American history to bomb itself. Have we recovered?

By Larry Platt

“Not One Creative Idea”

Former Mayor John Street says that Jim Kenney has let down African-American voters and Philly’s neighborhoods. Why is he so outraged?

By Larry Platt
New Blood

City Council Candidate Eryn Santamoor

A former Nutter administration policy nerd has — not surprisingly — drafted an action plan for the city with depth and clarity. The next in an ongoing series wonders, will it matter?

By Larry Platt
Business For Good

FS Investments

By putting employees and community first—and offering elite investment opportunities to the middle class—the Navy Yard company is modeling a new way to think about financial firms

By Larry Platt