Voice: Larry Platt
Where’s The Money Going?
As we enter budget season, Paul Levy’s Center City District is out with a new report that lays out 20 years of the city’s spending priorities. Could it be a roadmap?
By Larry PlattIt’s Always Groundhog Day
In another black mark on public integrity, former Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, now an employee of the Register of Wills, applied for the controversial DROP program. Will Tracey Gordon step in?
By Larry PlattWelcome to Spendadelphia!
On the eve of budget season, a new report by Controller Rebecca Rhynhart looks at Mayor Jim Kenney's historic spending spree. Do you trust him with your money?
By Larry PlattTaking On The Opportunity Gap
Legendary educator and activist Geoffrey Canada on how to move the needle on poverty and equity
By Larry PlattWhat Would Jay Do?
Villanova basketball coach Jay Wright’s Zen coaching may be the only antidote to the Sixers’ dysfunction
By Larry PlattThe Charter Follies
City Council is entertaining amending the Home Rule Charter … again. Why does this matter?
By Larry PlattLet The Sun Shine
The indictment of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson is just the latest example of Philly’s most pressing political problem: Transactionalism
By Larry PlattReformer vs. Progressive
Recent revelations illustrate Philly’s real political divide. Here’s why it matters.
By Larry PlattJim Kenney Giveth, Jim Kenney Taketh Away
Just a week after his inspiring police commissioner choice, the new boss seems a lot like the old boss
By Larry PlattJim Kenney’s Home Run
With his selection of Danielle Outlaw as police commissioner, the Mayor showed vision and guts. Now comes the hard part: Making sure reform succeeds
By Larry Platt