Pat Croce is Back and He’s Zen as F#@*!

After six years on an intense spiritual quest, the former Sixers owner and Philly cheerleader is back with a new mission: kickstarting a health and wellness movement for cancer patients

By Larry Platt

The Buck Stops Elsewhere

With an election looming and body bags piling up at an alarming rate, can D.A. Larry Krasner skirt accountability?

By Larry Platt

Revisiting Regionalism

Yo, Mayor Kenney! This time of crisis is actually an opportunity to revisit an idea from the ‘90s: the city and surrounding counties joining forces to form an economic behemoth

By Larry Platt

How Not To Blow The Stimulus Windfall

The city stands to receive $1.4 billion. How confident are you that the Kenney administration will put it to good use?

By Larry Platt

Ideas, Please!

Two recent public policy press conferences raise the question: Do Philly leaders have any new ideas for old, intransigent problems? Maybe one gaping problem is an opportunity for new thinking

By Larry Platt

“We Only Have One Mayor”

Former Governor Ed Rendell and Congressman Dwight Evans voice their concerns for the state of Philadelphia

By Larry Platt

A Mayoral Wishlist, Disruptor Edition

If we really want a robust debate in 2023, how about some bold, unconventional candidates? Here, a list of unusual suspects.

By Larry Platt
Philadelphia Mayor’s Race

Pros and Cons of Eight Likely Candidates

The upsides and downsides of Philadelphia's most likely candidates to be our city's 100th mayor

By Larry Platt

Jim Kenney’s Very Bad Week

Between a devastating report by Controller Rebecca Rhynhart and his administration’s fumbling of the vaccination rollout, it’s no wonder the mayor has floated the idea of cutting bait and running for the Senate

By Larry Platt

The Krasner Referendum

The race for DA is off to a too-familiar start. Here’s hoping it will include a debate over what smart reform might look like

By Larry Platt