Voice: Jon Geeting
Ban the Block Party Ban
The city’s new policy has banned 922 blocks from having parties. Philly 3.0’s engagement director explains how cops have complicated a beautiful process
By Jon GeetingVoting While Young
Philly 3.0’s engagement director breaks down Pennsylvania’s surge in youth voter registration
By Jon GeetingThe Cost of Parking
In the wake of a new report that found 640,000 more spots than residents, Philly 3.0’s engagement director calls for real changes to how we manage parking in Philly
By Jon GeetingCity Council’s premature housing vote
The Kenney administration is still developing its comprehensive housing plan for the city. So Philly 3.0’s engagement director wonders why Council pushed through haphazard legislation of its own
By Jon GeetingPolitical Committees run like Allegheny
Philly 3.0’s engagement director looks west for ways to fix our antiquated political system
By Jon GeetingAffordable What?
Philly 3.0’s engagement director on the whiplash in City Council to make housing more affordable...but also more expensive
By Jon GeetingRank your Vote
Ranked Choice voting is a better way to choose the best candidate. And Philly 3.0 needs your help testing it out
By Jon GeetingDid Council Just Get Housing Right?
A new package of bills strikes a compromise between housing growth and access—and could be what Philly needs right now
By Jon GeetingHow the City Botched Land Assessments—Again
The Office of Property Assessments released its 2019 land assessments last week. Too bad they don’t make more sense
By Jon GeetingWhat We Know About The 2018 City Elections
Dozens of first-time candidates are running for committee person. The engagement director of Philly 3.0 breaks down what that looks like
By Jon Geeting