The Best Case for Forgiving Student Loans

The Biden-Harris administration is forgiving $4.5 billion in student debt for college grads who have chosen to become public servants. A long time university president thinks that should be just the start

By Elaine Maimon

Universities Must Make Voting Easy For Students

A long-time university president reminds Philadelphia-area colleges: You are legally required to help your students register and vote. Here’s why

By Elaine Maimon

Why the Privilege of College Should Be a Right for All

A long-time university president reflects on the value of college beyond job preparation

By Elaine Maimon

How Did the Constitution Fare in the Debate?

A longtime university president considers the September 10 presidential debate in the context of Constitutional studies

By Elaine Maimon

Public Speaking Can Win (or Lose) the Presidency

The ability to deliver a message effectively could determine our next POTUS — and is a skill, a long-time university president argues, that all students should learn

By Elaine Maimon

POTUS as Teacher-In-Chief

The best U. S. presidents exemplify the traits of good teachers. Here’s what to look for, from a longtime university president

By Elaine Maimon

How to Become POTUS Through College Education

The four candidates running for president and vice president have differing education stories. That, a longtime university president notes, is a fact of American life that they must all work to uphold

By Elaine Maimon

UArts’ Closing with One-Week Notice? This Just Isn’t Done

The 150-year-old institution has left students, faculty and the city reeling. A longtime university president joins in the call for an immediate independent investigation

By Elaine Maimon
Ideas We Should Steal

College Credit for Campaign Work

L.A.’s Occidental College offers a “campaign semester” for students who do election work full time. A longtime university president urges local colleges to do the same

By Elaine Maimon
Ideas We Should Steal

Family College Scholarships

Hope Chicago ensures free college for students graduating from five public high schools — along with one member of their family. A longtime university president makes the case for investing in Philadelphia families the same way

By Elaine Maimon