Voice: Charles D. Ellison

Reality Check with Abbe Stern
Charles Ellison and Abbe Stern, hospitality manager at the Rittenhouse Hotel, discuss how she started a food rescue operation to bring restaurant excess to food banks and other organizations that could use it.
By Charles D. Ellison
Who Matters More?
Residents near the PES refinery have suffered from poor health for years. So why, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, is everyone only talking about jobs?
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with David Bradley, Founding Director of LiveConnections
Charles Ellison and David Bradley, Founding Director of LiveConnections, sit down to discuss the music program at Hill-Freedman World Academy. Its students recorded an album inspired by the Sound of Philadelphia (including a cover of "Wake Up Everybody").
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
WURD's Charles Ellison and the Citizen's Executive Editor discuss Canada's plan to reduce poverty.
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with Larry Platt
Charles and Larry discuss his article following the Plain View Project's report about Philadelphia police officers' use of Facebook to bash immigrants, make racist comments, promote police brutality, and align themselves with militia groups.
By Charles D. Ellison
Philadelphia’s Really Bad Gas Problem
The PES refinery fire, WURD’s afternoon host argues, proves our embrace of gas plants doesn’t square with Mayor Kenney’s green rhetoric
By Charles D. Ellison
The Looming Public Housing Fiasco
In the wake of HUD chief Ben Carson’s proposal to triple public housing rent, WURD’s afternoon host calls on the City to find a real solution to our rental woes
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with Larry Platt
Larry Platt visits Charles D Ellison's Reality Check on WURD to discuss Meek Mill and criminal justice reform.
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with Kyle Shenandoah
The Millenial from Forgotten Bottom realized he had to be the change he wanted to see in his neighborhood. So he jumped all in
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check With Larry Platt
Larry Platt discusses his new series with Charles D. Ellison, "The Fix," in which he delves into the city's transactional culture of influences - and looks at strategies for promoting public integrity.
By Charles D. Ellison