Voice: Charles D. Ellison

Let’s Rethink Our School Board
Without pay or accountability to citizens, this WURD host wonders, how can we really expect school board members to solve what ails the struggling system?
By Charles D. Ellison
Not All Speed Cameras Are Created Equal
The City installed speed cameras along a deadly stretch of Roosevelt Boulevard this week. Is it Black and Brown Philadelphians, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, who will pay for them?
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check: Jon Geeting
By Charles D. Ellison
Does City Hall Have An Actual Plan?
City Council and Mayor Kenney began their new terms this week. WURD’s afternoon host wonders if that will matter at all for Philadelphians
By Charles D. Ellison
Philly Schools Are Like a Slow-Moving Asteroid
Philly schools are toxic, underperforming and mismanaged. When, WURD’s afternoon host wonders, is someone going to take responsibility?
By Charles D. Ellison
Walking the Talk on Clean Energy
In Chicago and D.C., residents and government came together to close polluting plants in their community. In Philly, City Hall won’t even take real action on the PES Refinery site
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Brooke Davis Anderson
Charles sat down with the Director of Museum Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts to discuss PAFA leading the country in acquiring works of art by women, and being among the best at acquiring works by African American artists—an effort towards making the museum better reflect the city and world it is a part of.
By Charles D. Ellison
Just Another Day in Philly
Low turnout, broken machine politics, an invisible mayor and other unimpressive takeaways from the city’s general election
By Charles D. EllisonReality Check with Sam Wachs
Charles Ellison interviews Sam Wachs, the Sixers fan who was thrown out of the game last week for protesting China’s treatment of Hong Kong protesters.
By Charles D. Ellison
Reality Check with Jill Bazelon And Keith Weigelt
Jill and Keith joined Charles to discuss a program called Bridges to Wealth, that is bringing financial empowerment training to students and adults in Philadelphia, as a way to lessen the wealth gap in the city.
By Charles D. Ellison