Voice: Larry Platt
What’s the Plan, Cherelle?
Bringing city workers back sends an important "open for business" message. But a new report shows Philly lagging behind in adjusting to work from home. Is now the time for a broad economic revival plan?
By Larry PlattJohn Fry and the City
The appointment of Philadelphia’s preeminent change maker to lead Temple University has the potential to disrupt Philadelphia’s status quo — an outcome rooted in the eloquent example of his unlikely hero
By Larry PlattAre We in a Nonprofit Bubble?
UArts. Benefits Data Trust. The Free Library Author Series. Resources for Human Development … Is the nonprofit sector imploding? What the hell’s going on?
By Larry PlattThe Reparations Trap
City Council’s task force faces a daunting task: How do you close our opportunity and wealth gaps without alienating key parts of a fragile coalition? Devin Cotten's Cleveland pilot might have an answer
By Larry PlattThe Great School Vouchers Debate
Progressive Councilmembers Thomas, Gauthier, O'Rourke and Brooks protested them. Jay-Z begged to differ. And Mayor Parker tried to bring folks together. Who’s got students’ backs? A week on the frontlines of the school choice wars
By Larry PlattHow is This Guy Getting MAGA Support?
A confluence of factors and unique political talents explains Governor Josh Shapiro’s astounding popularity in the polls — even among those with whom he disagrees
By Larry Platt“I Was Too Stupid To Be Scared”
One of the 120,000 living members of the Greatest Generation turns 99 this year. For Memorial Day, he talks to the Citizen’s co-founder about his secret to longevity (hint: martinis) and about saving America … then and now
By Larry PlattCan Kenyatta Johnson Be … Richard Nixon?
The twice tried and ultimately acquitted Council president has the unique opportunity to reform the scourge of councilmanic prerogative … and finally make us One City
By Larry PlattLeadership In A Time of Protest
On the latest episode of How To Really Run A City, former mayors Michael Nutter and Kasim Reed catch up with Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney. NEW this episode: Watch the conversation
By Larry PlattFree Speech … or Pro-Terrorist?
Professors and local pols like progressive Councilmembers Gauthier, Brooks and O’Rourke say they want to support Penn students’ rights to peaceful protest. But does their support of Gaza encampments turn a moral blind eye?
By Larry Platt