Welcome to Fearadelphia

Philly’s new mask mandate made national news this week. Yay, us?

By Larry Platt

The C Word

Yes, we’re hosting a series exploring how capitalism can lessen inequality and create opportunity. Fire away, Twitterverse!

By Larry Platt

Do We Need a Wealth Tax?

Councilmembers Kendra Brooks, Helen Gym and Jamie Gauthier, with an assist from Senator Elizabeth Warren, have proposed a drastic taxing of the rich in Philly. But are they unwittingly harming the middle class?

By Larry Platt

The Grittiest Athletes in Town

Villanova’s basketball team is—again!—in the Final Four this year. So why do so few seem to care about yet another championship run by the most Philly of teams?

By Larry Platt

Is the Inquirer Too Woke?

The paper’s recent well-meaning story about its own history on race relations raises overdue questions about class, too

By Larry Platt
The Fix

Is City Council Anti-Democratic?

The public corruption trial of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson and a lawsuit against Councilwoman Jamie Gauthier puts the practice of councilmanic prerogative on trial

By Larry Platt

What Problem is the School Board Solving For?

The three finalists for Philly’s new schools superintendent might very well be solid educators. But has anyone asked if that’s really what we need?

By Larry Platt

Zelensky for Mayor?

The world is getting an inspiring crash course in leadership during crisis from a former comic in Ukraine. Is anyone who aspires to lead Philadelphia paying attention?

By Larry Platt

Philly’s War on Restaurants

The Kenney administration’s stealth regulations on streateries shows yet more disdain for restaurateurs and their employees. Why vilify frontline workers?

By Larry Platt

The Folly of a Public Bank

Councilman Derek Green’s bill puts you, the taxpayer, in the banking business. What problem does it solve—and create?

By Larry Platt