Your City Defined

The Mummers Parade

A history lesson, including some scholarly conjecture, about Philadelphia’s New Year’s Day … phenomenon

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined

Register of Wills

What a RoW does, what Orphans’ Court is, and what Tracey Gordon, currently in the role, may have done to help herself out of a job

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined

Sheriff’s Office

Here’s a breakdown — and a little history — about the Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office

By J.P. Romney

Speed Cameras Save Lives. Why Are We Still Only Testing Out The Idea?

The first in a series on pilot programs looks at one that has deterred speeders and saved lives on Roosevelt Boulevard may not become permanent. How can Philly sustain — and keep track of — our City’s many such feasibility studies?

By J.P. Romney
Ideas We Should Steal

No More Traffic Deaths

Six years ago, the City pledged to eliminate pedestrian and cyclist deaths. Instead, they’ve gone up. Can we take a lesson from … Hoboken?

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined

I-95 (a Troubled History)

The overpass collapse last week was not the first catastrophe associated with Philly’s stretch of interstate. That dates back to … the beginning

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined

Primary Elections

Why we have them, why they are the way they are — and how they might change to allow more people to vote in Pennsylvania

By J.P. Romney
Ideas We Should Steal

An Everything Transportation App

It is unnecessarily hard to figure out the best public transit route to get around the Philly area — one reason people default to driving. Can we take a lesson from Berlin?

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined


City Councilmember Isaiah Thomas recently introduced a bill to pay Philadelphians for filing complaints. Which led us to wonder: Just what is 311 all about?

By J.P. Romney
Your City Defined

Philly’s Weirdest Sports Superstitions

Wanna win another World Series or Super Bowl, Philadelphia? Don’t plan a parade, build a William Penn-less skyscraper, or turn the economy around

By J.P. Romney