The Odyssey of the 2022 Phillies

A long-time college president returns home from her own professional journey to find the Phillies creating a mythic framework for hope

By Elaine Maimon
The Citizen Recommends

Learning to Become a Writer Who Makes a Difference

A long-time college president and researcher in the teaching of writing recommends that readers take a free online course from Miami University (Ohio)

By Elaine Maimon

Know Your Constitution

Every educated citizen should understand America’s founding document — for the sake of our republic. In time for Constitution Day, a longtime college president urges its study from pre-K to grad school

By Elaine Maimon

Vote For Higher Ed

Higher education as a public good is on the ballot this November. A longtime college president highlights the stark choices

By Elaine Maimon

President Biden’s Higher Ed Transformation

A long-time college president says student debt forgiveness is a return to the idea of college as a public good — and recommends more ways to stop debt before it starts

By Elaine Maimon

The “Drexel Promise” Is Just The Start

A longtime college president applauds Drexel’s new tuition discount for community college transfers — and urges universities to do more to help underserved students attain their degrees

By Elaine Maimon

Following Cassidy Hutchinson’s Example

A long-time college president was impressed by the former Trump White House staffer during her January 6th testimony. The lesson: Internships matter

By Elaine Maimon

A New College Conundrum — How’s the Health Care?

A long-time college president advises students and families to give careful attention in this post-Roe era to health care — especially reproductive and mental health care — on campus

By Elaine Maimon

Can Education Save Us From Tyranny?

In advance of a surprise January 6 hearing today, a long-time college president reflects on ways to preserve our embattled democracy

By Elaine Maimon

Follow Gabe Kapler’s Example

A long-time college president and Philly native urges everyone to do like the former Phillies manager: Exercise their rights to protest inaction on gun violence

By Elaine Maimon