The New Urban Order: The Vacant Office Opportunity

Cities around the country are buying vacant office buildings to convert to housing or to meet other civic needs. Here’s why Philly should do the same

By Diana Lind

The New Urban Order: Reinventing Arts and Culture

The pandemic decimated in-person attendance for traditional cultural institutions nationwide. Can Philly’s arts establishment slow its downfall?

By Diana Lind

The New Urban Order: Towards a Quieter City

Noise pollution adversely affects marginalized communities in Philly and other cities. Is there a way to find peace and quiet here?

By Diana Lind

The New Urban Order: Do We Really Need More Moveable Chairs?

The design for the Municipal Services Building plaza is like too many of our public spaces: bland and uncomfortable. Here, some ways we could do better

By Diana Lind

The New Urban Order: What if Parenting in Philly Were Easier?

Forget kid-friendly cities. A city that answers to the needs of parents helps all residents, young and old

By Diana Lind

The New Urban Order: The Best Way To Build Affordable Housing …

… is to buy it. Here’s how Philadelphia could do that

By Diana Lind

Ideas We Should Steal: Chief Heat Officer

At least seven cities worldwide have officials solely focused on mitigating rising heat. An event at Penn this week will lay out why that could help Philadelphia’s most vulnerable

By Diana Lind

Center City Sixers Stadium — a Win for SEPTA

The Sixers’ proposed new stadium sits atop a rail station in Center City. That, a local urbanist argues, is the kind of transit-oriented development Philly needs more of

By Diana Lind

How to Make the Parkway Grand Again

The Benjamin Franklin Parkway was a bold idea a century ago. As the city embarks on a redesign of our own Champs Elysees, a local urbanist has ideas for making it so again

By Diana Lind

Ideas We Should Steal: Treat Homelessness as a Health Issue

While the City and advocates continue negotiations over the homeless encampment on the Parkway, Denver and New Jersey demonstrate some much-needed new thinking

By Diana Lind