Topic: Mastery

Accelerating Student Acceleration
The Philly nonprofit Jounce Partners — supported by M. Night Shyamalan — coaches teachers to bring out the best in their students. The result is more learning
By Natalie Pompilio
Repair the Pandemic’s Impact On Neighborhood Schools
Covid caused devastating learning losses, especially among low-income students. Here, Mastery Charter founder and CEO lays out a path to overcome them.
By Scott Gordon
Arise, Black Men, and Teach
Only 4.5 percent of Philadelphia teachers are black men. A Mastery principal urges more to heed the call to help build a better nation
By Sharif El-Mekki
Deconstructing Jerry
A school reformer takes on PFT President Jerry Jordan
By Kevin Trainer
The Comeback of Charters?
Twenty years in, good charter schools are self-policing and calling for the closing of bad ones. Is it enough to get the movement’s mojo back?
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
How To Turn Around A Failing School
A change in culture and increased focus on literacy have started to show progress at Mastery’s Smedley Elementary, one of the city’s first Renaissance schools
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy