Topic: Mass Incarceration

Partnering For Better Criminal Justice
“Court doulas” from Partners for Justice have saved more than a million hours of incarceration — and millions of taxpayer dollars — nationwide. Now, they’re bringing their work to Philadelphia
By Natalie Pompilio
Wharton WORKS
Penn business school’s new program teaches incarcerated men and women valuable skills — and future MBAs about the value of employing people who have been released from prison.
By Courtney DuChene
The Juvenile Justice Champions
In the eight years since co-founding the Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project Joanna Visser Adjoian and Lauren Fine have helped dozens of young people stay out of adult prisons—and get the support they need to lead productive lives
By Jessica Blatt Press
Abolish Prisons
A lawyer and advocate calls for ending our expensive culture of incarceration—and instead spending money to help prevent many crimes in the first place
By Alex Braden
The Most Woke Billionaire On Earth
Main Line entrepreneur and 76ers co-owner Michael Rubin’s eyes were opened to the criminal injustice system through his friend Meek Mill. Now he’s on the case.
By Larry Platt
Eliminating Bail for Nonviolent Crimes
A New York plan promises to save money, reduce prison overcrowding and cut down on prison violence. Could it work in Philly?
By Emma Copley Eisenberg