Topic: feedHider
Welcome To Oz
Ed Rendell calls BS on the legend of NRA power
Is This What Progress Looks Like
Partisans like civil rights icon Ryan Costello might disagree, but the PA Supreme Court’s redrawn congressional map may be a rarity: A solution
Inside Philly Trump Country
Jim Kenney may have grown up in South Philly, but one ward there is all about the president
Rage Against The Voting Machines
Officials will tell you Pennsylvania elections are secure because our machines aren’t connected to the internet. They’re wrong.
The Krasner Warning Signs
The DA’s first three months have revealed incompetency. But is there something more troubling at play?
Get to Work
The jobs are in the suburbs, but many Philadelphians have no way to get there. The Philadelphia Unemployment Project has the answer: Car pooling
“We Can’t Waste This Moment”
Finally, a business leader has a plan to bring jobs to Philadelphia. Is anyone going to follow Jerry Sweeney’s lead?
My First Vote
Philly retirees reflect on their “first time”
A Hub for Justice
The Citizen's Executive Editor Roxanne Patel Shepelavy reports on how Philly won $1 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies for a Juvenile Justice Hub proposed by city cops. Could it become a national model of reform?
The Looming Public Housing Fiasco
In the wake of HUD chief Ben Carson’s proposal to triple public housing rent, WURD’s afternoon host calls on the City to find a real solution to our rental woes
By Charles D. Ellison