The Unfair Parking Burden

Parking spots raise rents in apartment buildings—but often go unused. So why, Philly 3.0’s engagement director wonders, are some Councilmembers trying to mandate more of them?

By Jon Geeting

Saving Capitalism From Itself

Philly Congressman Brendan Boyle has signed onto Elizabeth Warren’s plan to make capitalism accountable again

By Larry Platt
Guest Commentary

Mayor Kenney, Who Are You Going to Fire?

A court ruled that the City illegally taxed property owners nearly $50 million. A good government watchdog wonders who will be held accountable

By Brett Mandel

Council’s Housing Reactionaries

As Philly 3.0’s engagement director wonders, why is City Council ducking the voter-approved process for zoning changes?

By Jon Geeting

Hahnemann Hypocrisy

Despite the rhetoric of Mayor Kenney, Helen Gym, and Bernie Sanders, the hospital’s fiscal woes are not new. What did they know and when did they know it?

By Larry Platt

Why Do Council Side Gigs Matter?

Councilman Bobby Henon is arguing that his union work was legal as he seeks a dismissal of his corruption charges. That, Philly 3.0’s engagement director points out, is exactly the problem

By Jon Geeting

Competition, Cronyism, Corruption

Our same old capitalist system is causing new and more worrisome problems—including life or death. It doesn’t have to be that way

By Ajay Raju

Seriously? Busing?

The flare-up between Joe Biden—Philly’s third senator—and Kamala Harris is a window into why people hate politics

By Larry Platt

To Grow Or Not To Grow

Helen Gym, Allan Domb, the Chamber and other stakeholders are all talking about “inclusive growth.” Larry Platt asks: what might that look like here?

Is Gerrymandering Here to Stay?

A Supreme Court ruling last week seemed to end the dream of non-partisan electoral districting. So why is the state’s chief reformer not worried?

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy