Voice: John Kromer

Guest Commentary
How the Next Mayor can Make Vacant Land Work for Philly
The Land Bank law makes it easy for the city to buy up foreclosed properties. A former city official on how that could be a tool for community-minded development
By John Kromer
Guest Commentary
Make this Sheriff the Last Sheriff
Another scandal prompts a former city official—and one-time candidate for the job—to call for getting the Sheriff’s Office out of the City’s real estate business
By John Kromer
Guest Commentary
Is Philly Ready For a Third Wave of Political Activism?
Now is the time to capitalize on the greatest civic engagement in a generation. A former city official lays out a plan to do that.
By John Kromer
Guest Commentary
Is the Philadelphia Committee Person an Endangered Species?
The key to unlocking more civic engagement in elections could be you
By John Kromer