Voice: Brett Mandel

Corrupt and Consenting
In this excerpt from his new book, a longtime political reformer dives deep into Philly’s unique culture of political corruption — and proposes ways to overcome it
By Brett Mandel
Philly’s Left Needs to Get Government Right
Congratulations progressives, you’ve won big in Philly. Now, a good government advocate notes, it’s time to make actual progress where it counts
By Brett Mandel
Mayor Kenney, Who Are You Going to Fire?
A court ruled that the City illegally taxed property owners nearly $50 million. A good government watchdog wonders who will be held accountable
By Brett Mandel
Get in The Game For The Mayoral Primary
What if we got as excited about local politics as we do about local sports? A good government advocate says it could be a game-changer
By Brett Mandel
No Future For Philadelphia History?
A good government advocate faults City Hall for the announced closure of the Philadelphia History Museum. Have your say about it tonight.
By Brett Mandel
Reassess This Mess
A good government advocate calls the city’s bad tax assessments for what it is: Corruption. It doesn’t have to be that way
By Brett Mandel
How many people does it take to corrupt a city?
Want to put an end to Councilmanic Prerogative? A good government advocate knows one way: Elect new Councilmembers
By Brett Mandel
What’s That Familiar Stench?
A good government advocate cries foul on the city’s faulty oversight of PGW
By Brett Mandel
No Calls On Finance Fouls
Recent reports reveal the city has lost or misspent millions of dollars. A good government advocate wonders why no one is paying the price
By Brett Mandel
Why We Raise Taxes
A good government advocate argues that our leaders raise taxes on the poor city because they run the city poorly
By Brett Mandel