Search Results for: ""the fix""

What Is Corruption, Anyway?
The fallout from last week’s musings about the sheriff and a litany of ex-con officials who are back on the public payroll raises a lot of questions: What is illegal, and what’s just … kinda gross?
By Larry Platt
Has Our Corruption Gotten Worse?
Mayor Parker’s Clean and Green initiative is a great slogan and even a potential game changer. But what about cleaning up local government?
By Larry Platt
How to Really End the Reign of Johnny Doc
Labor leader and convicted felon John Dougherty has been sentenced to prison, but the corrupt culture he dominated still lives, abetted by a judge’s soft sentences, an ethically blind Councilmember, and a shrugging citizenry.
By Larry Platt
Can Kenyatta Johnson Be … Richard Nixon?
The twice tried and ultimately acquitted Council president has the unique opportunity to reform the scourge of councilmanic prerogative … and finally make us One City
By Larry Platt
City Workers Who Work For You
Announcing The Citizen’s 2024 Integrity Icons, city employees who serve us all with the highest trust, care, equality and ethics. Come celebrate these heroes with us on May 23
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Judges Who Meet the Moment
Judge Jeffrey Schmehl’s lax sentencing this week of John Dougherty’s co-conspirators is a reminder that corruption flourishes when punishment meets the Philly Shrug
By Larry Platt
Same Old City Council?
Hours of debate on an Israel/Hamas resolution? Doubling down on councilmanic prerogative? Here, some ideas for remaking Council into an actual governing body
By Larry Platt
How To Respond to Public Corruption Charges
In L.A., allegations against a councilmember were met by his colleagues … doing the right thing. What a novel concept.
By Larry Platt