How Philly Sees Philly: No More Councilmanic Prerogative

The latest polling data from A Greater Philadelphia proves what good government advocates have long said is true: Voters want an end to Council-controlled land deals

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Guest Commentary: Pre-K Polling Needs Improvement

A Greater Philadelphia last week released poll data about the City’s sweetened beverage tax that showed residents divided. Here, the City’s first Pre-K director refutes the premise and results of the survey

By Anne Gemmell

How Philly Sees Philly: The Soda Tax is Still Controversial

The latest data from A Greater Philadelphia unpacks how local Dems view Mayor Kenney’s self-proclaimed biggest accomplishment

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

A Business Community Call to Arms

The political left seems to want jobs but without the employers to provide them. So what are you going to do about that, job creators?

By Larry Platt

What Are the Soda Tax Facts?

A new, independent study sheds some light on our ongoing political debate. Isn't it time Mayor Kenney started paying attention?

By Larry Platt

The Tax That Ate Philadelphia

The closing of a grocery in what will now be a food desert due to the soda tax may be a defining moment. Mayor Kenney’s response? A Trump-like personal attack

By Larry Platt

Guest Commentary: In Defense of the Soda Tax

In response to a Citizen commentary, the Executive Director of Public Citizens for Children and Youth argues that the soda tax is working, for kids and the city

By Donna Cooper

Tax Addiction

Mayor Kenney seems more committed to the soda tax than to the programs it was meant to fund. Why?

By Larry Platt

Guest Commentary: Philly’s Pay to Sway Culture

A good government advocate wonders how we can be ready for the big time when we’re still mired in our petty political culture

By Brett Mandel

Legally Corrupt

When the head of the local NAACP is secretly part of the Mayor’s pro-soda tax team, it proves that our most insidious corruption is perfectly legal

By Larry Platt