Topic: Voting

Vote Like Mount Airy Votes
Voting divisions in Northwest Philly have among the most engaged voters in the city — including, in one division, 90 percent turnout. The reason is not what you might think
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Gen Z Voters Need More
A teenage Philadelphian on why her generation isn't taking just “Yes” for an answer
By Lanaa Dantzler
Our Elections are Safe, Secure, and We All Must Participate
A longtime election worker and now City Council staffer pushes back on false narratives that harm our democratic process — and explains how Philly’s voting machines really work
By Max Weisman
La Guía de Votantes de The Philadelphia Citizen
Conozca a los candidatos principales, desde senadores de EE. UU. hasta fiscales generales.
By Lauren McCutcheon
Counting Votes Faster
Will PA join 43 other states that start processing mail-in ballots before Election Day in time to avoid uncertainty over the 2024 Presidential election?
By Jemille Q. Duncan
A Philadelphian’s Guide to Voting Myths
Will anyone see who I vote for? Is registering to vote signing myself up for jury duty? Does my vote even matter? A quick-and-easy truth behind common election misconceptions
By Lauren McCutcheon
Arashdeep Singh
An Indian citizen, he can’t vote in the U.S. — but that hasn’t stopped him from helping others cast ballots by November 5
By Delaney Parks
Fixing A Voting Envelope That is Sealed Shut
I planned to vote early, by mail or drop box. But like hundreds of Philadephians, I received a pristine ballot — and stuck-closed secrecy and mailing envelopes. City Commissioners’ Office to the rescue!
By Citizen Mystery Shopper
It’s Voting Season in PA!
Mail-in ballots for the 2024 general election in Pennsylvania are on their way to your mailbox. Here, the answers to all your voting FAQs.
By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff
Ali Velshi Reminds Us True Citizenship is a Muscle
The MSNBC host and Citizen board member says it's never too late to celebrate Citizenship Day, honoring those who have made the conscious choice to become American citizens
By Ali Velshi