“This is why we created this podcast, for conversations like this,” Mayor Kasim Reed says towards the close of the most recent How to Really Run a City episode, a deep dive with Della Clark, CEO of Philadelphia’s Enterprise Center, and JP Morgan Chase’s Michele Lawrence into the power of investing in Black and Brown entrepreneurs.
“People need to hear you, Della,” Reed said — while his partner, Mayor Nutter, agreed with a guttural “uh-huh” — after Clark explained that, “in low-wealth communities, the conversation is about programs, which I call poor-grams. Because low-wealth communities get programs, and prosperous communities get investment capital.” Clark, with the support of Comcast and JP Morgan Chase, is undertaking a 22-city tour preaching the gospel of investment to Black and Brown entrepreneurs. Reed promises a packed crowd when the tour comes to Atlanta next month.
Other topics touched on include the perspectives of the mayors on President Biden’s State of the Union address, and the stakes for cities in this fall’s election.
Check out the episode featuring Della Clark and Michele Lawrence here, and find out more about Clark’s tour here. As always, let us know what you think – and who you’d like to hear on future episodes of the podcast — at [email protected].