Voice: Elizabeth Warner
9 Volunteer Opportunities in Philly This Month
Learn about a host of local organizations looking for volunteers this month
By Elizabeth WarnerCitizen of the Week: Doha Ibrahim
The Lincoln High senior, one of two student reps on the School Board, wants to empower her peers to be stronger than they think they are
By Elizabeth WarnerThe Citizen Recommends: MightyFest
Join Mighty Writers, the nonprofit that empowers youth to be heard through writing, for their second annual fall celebration
By Elizabeth WarnerBusiness for Good: Beyond the Bell
Two Haverford alums are filling a niche in Philly’s tourist economy: Tours featuring lesser-known American heroes
By Elizabeth WarnerCrafting a Future
The Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians’ Global Craft Market helps local immigrants launch their own businesses
By Elizabeth WarnerCitizens of the Week: Debbie and Eric Sasson
With Camp Akeela, a Philly-area native and her husband offer kids who have trouble connecting with their peers a chance to experience the magic of overnight camp
By Elizabeth WarnerThe Citizen Recommends: HUE, A Tech Summit for Women of Color
Entrepreneur Jumoke Dada’s event kicks off Philly Tech Week with a female-centric mantra: “No more hidden figures”
By Elizabeth WarnerThe Citizen Recommends: Mission Story Slam
Come find the inspiration and motivation you’ve been craving to change the world
By Elizabeth Warner