Topic: Philadelphia Streets Department

Fix the Damn Potholes … with AI
Vialytics is user-friendly software that quickly identifies and maps potholes, sinkholes and other roadway problems. Could the app fix Philly streets — or would our City simply run a pilot and then throw it away?
By Courtney DuChene
Streetery Regulations That Actually Work
Unlike Philly — where only 13 restaurants have legal curbside dining — both New York City and Pittsburgh have made it easier to erect streeteries. Here’s what Philadelphia officials are — and can be — doing to bring back the fun
By Courtney DuChene
Three Quick Wins for Cherelle Parker
Here’s how our new mayor can make friends with her constituents right quick
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Hire a Kick-Ass Trash Czar
The next in a series of political and policy advice to presumptive Mayor-elect Cherelle Parker looks to New York City for an idea she should steal: Appoint a sanitation commissioner
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Meet the Philadelphia Documenters
Resolve Philly introduces a Chicago-born program to make sure everyone knows what’s going on in city meetings. Transparency and jobs ensue.
By Courtney DuChene
The Next Mayor Needs an Infrastructure Agenda
The issues that impact voters’ everyday lives are behind-the-scenes, in the streets and even in our homes. Philadelphia’s former managing director on some other things our next leader should pay attention to
By Joseph Certaine
Hailing the Heroes of Our Streets
We’re looking for the sanitation superstars, pothole fixers, recycling champs, and anyone else who keeps our streets clean and safe. Nominate one as an Integrity Icon by March 31
By Jessica Blatt Press
How Surplus State Money Could Clean Up Philly — For Good
“Ya Fav Trashman” proposes using some of Pennsylvania's excess $12 billion to end illegal dumping and bring pride and progress back to Philly neighborhoods
By Terrill Haigler
Sussing Out — and Stopping — Illegal Dumping
Philly has more illegal dumping surveillance cameras than other major cities, but far fewer arrests and convictions. Here’s what we know about illegal dumpers — and a system that rarely stops them.
By Nick Russo
How Philly Fights Illegal Dumping
Why the dumpers are winning, and how the City can beat them
By Nick Russo