Topic: Covid

Repair the Pandemic’s Impact On Neighborhood Schools
Covid caused devastating learning losses, especially among low-income students. Here, Mastery Charter founder and CEO lays out a path to overcome them.
By Scott Gordon
The Future of the Philadelphia Office
An event last week explored the ways companies balance worker and business needs — and how Center City can thrive in our new norm
By Lauren McCutcheon
Mental Health Days for Philly Students
Twelve U.S. states allow school kids to take excused days off for emotional well-being. PA should too
By Courtney DuChene
How a Community Fridge Built … a Community
Jane Ellis opened one of the city’s first community fridges at the start of Covid. Two years later, Germantown’s two free-to-all pantries testify to the power and promise of mutual aid
By Ethan Young
Damaris Alvarado-Rodriguez
The director of progressive, accessible childcare centers is on a mission to provide opportunities for children and adults — including through a new teacher apprenticeship program starting this week
By Lauren McCutcheon
How to End the Endless Fuss Over FDR Park
The plan for Philadelphia’s largest neighborhood park has prompted a contentious fight, South Philly style. Could the answer be as simple as a walk in the park?
By Lauren McCutcheon
Hope For Housing Access
Philly 3.0’s engagement director applauds the state legislature’s big moves on housing this year. Now, let’s keep it going.
By Jon Geeting
A Love Letter to Education Heroes
A 7th grade Philly math and science teacher reflects on the hardest of school years — and thanks all those who made it possible. Namely: those doing the work
By Ami Patel Hopkins
Averting a Lost Decade
Without real, immediate structural change, we risk creating more racial wealth disparities than we had pre-pandemic. Drexel’s Metro Finance Head has a blueprint for recovery
By Bruce Katz and Mary Ellen Wiederwohl
Dear Teachers
This school year was hard. You know who made it easier for the rest of us? Teachers
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy