Topic: Abortion

Ali Velshi on Abortion and the Midterm Elections
The MSNBC host and Citizen Board Member breaks down the effect of overturning Roe v. Wade on the midterm elections nationwide
By Ali Velshi
A Win On Abortion Means a Win For America
A local basketball coach and father of young men wonders if a middle path on abortion is the way America can survive this political moment
By Seth Berger
What to Know About Philly’s 2022 Ballot Questions
Every Philadelphia citizen ought to understand what they are or aren’t voting for.
By Jemille Q. Duncan
The Price of City Council’s National Politics
Councilmembers’ attempts to legislate national politics distract them from the local issues only they can solve. They should do better.
By Jemille Q. Duncan
Project Save Democracy with Ali Velshi
At a Citizen event this week, the MSNBC anchor talked about Ukraine, democracy, empathy — and what we all need to do to save our democracy
By Lauren McCutcheon
A New College Conundrum — How’s the Health Care?
A long-time college president advises students and families to give careful attention in this post-Roe era to health care — especially reproductive and mental health care — on campus
By Elaine Maimon
Women’s Choice, Men’s Responsibility
Until the leaked draft decision that would eventually overturn Roe v. Wade, I had never told anyone — except my wife.
By Jay Coen Gilbert
Will the Supreme Court Bombshells Change How PA Votes?
Why are Josh Shapiro and Doug Mastriano neck and neck? Is Dr. Oz underwater? Is PA going red? Catching up with legendary political consultant Neil Oxman to understand the polling.
By Larry Platt
Guns, Abortion and the Folly of Originalism
The Supreme Court decisions on abortion and handguns are more informed by Humpty Dumpty than by sophisticated legal reasoning
By Carl Singley
The Anti-Abortion Movement has Always been Steeped in Lies
Citizen Board Member and MSNBC host Ali Velshi examines scientific myths such as fetal pain, partial birth abortion and fetal heartbeat
By Ali Velshi