Topic: quetcy lozada

Guest Commentary
Give School Buildings as Much Attention as I-95
Philadelphia’s section of collapsed interstate reopened in record speed. Why, two City Councilmembers wonder, can’t we do the same for damaged schools?
By Isaiah Thomas and Quetcy Lozada
Guest Commentary
Should PA Criminalize Safe Injection Sites?
Two addiction professionals say state and city legislatures need more information before voting to prohibit — or legalize — safe consumption sites
By Jonathan J. Koehler and Alexandra Koehler
Who is Running for City Council in the May 2023 Primary?
We’ve got your list of incumbents and challengers for Philadelphia City Council right here.
By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff
2023 Philadelphia City Council Candidates’ Race for Money
As the pool of candidates for City Council balloons, Philly 3.0’s engagement director looks at how much candidates — both incumbent and prospective members — have raised
By Jon Geeting
Who’s New on Philadelphia City Council?
Meet Quetcy Lozada, Sharon Vaughn, Anthony Phillips and Jimmy Harrity
By Jemille Q. Duncan