Topic: Jeremy Nowak
What U.S. Cities Can Teach the World
Drexel’s Metro Finance head is helping the United Kingdom plan the future of its cities — using America as a model
By Bruce KatzThe Equity Test
The Enterprise Center, Equity Alliance and Drexel’s Nowak Metro Finance Lab have co-created a plan to revive small, minority-owned businesses on Philly’s 52nd Street Corridor. Here’s why it matters
By Bruce KatzUpholding Nowak’s Vision
Reinvestment Fund launches three initiatives in Jeremy Nowak’s honor that marry the late Citizen chairman’s singular commitment to thinking big—and doing even better
By Jessica Blatt PressGuest Commentary: “Give Yourself Permission”
One year after the death of civic leader Jeremy Nowak, a trio of urban innovators he inspired remembers his advice—and work to live it
By Priya Mammen and Chris Spahr and Michael O'BryanThe Nowak Urban Innovation Award Goes to…
The Women's Community Revitalization Project won $50,000 to bring "development without displacement" to Grays Ferry
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyGuest Commentary: The Opportunity Zone Firehose
The director of Drexel’s Nowak Metro Finance Lab on how Trump's tax cut might actually save American cities
By Bruce KatzHow I Will Remember Jeremy Nowak
A friend and partner recalls the last acts of civic good from the Philadelphia giant—and Citizen chairman—who died last week
By Bruce KatzA Force for Urban Change
In a joint project between The Citizen and The Inquirer, prominent Philadelphians weigh in with lessons culled from the life of civic icon & Citizen chairman Jeremy Nowak
A Man—and Mind—of the People
The Citizen co-founder reflects on what made our late chairman, Jeremy Nowak, a rare gem
By Ajay RajuHe Will Not Rest
The passing of civic icon and Citizen Chairman Jeremy Nowak leaves a void for those who loved him and for the city he loved
By Larry Platt