Topic: Generation Change Philly
Generation Change Philly: The People’s Planner
Gregory Heller has spent his career trying to make Philadelphia more hospitable — and equitable — for the people who call it home.
By Jessica Blatt PressGeneration Change Philly: The Philadelphians Changing Philadelphia
By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff
Generation Change Philly: The Millennial Door Opener
Like father like son: Kellan White, the son of former City Councilman John F. White Jr., is all-in for Philadelphia. On the cusp of his toughest political campaign to date, this third-generation civic leader and political insider aims to lift up others
By Malcolm BurnleyGeneration Change Philly: The Better Business Builder
Philadelphia tech entrepreneur Chris Cera builds and runs software companies. But he also advocates for tax policies that allow small businesses to thrive, creates model work environments — and promises not to bail for the suburbs.
By Natalie PompilioGeneration Change Philly: The Healthcare Revolutionary
Penn Medicine’s Shreya Kangovi has created a community health model that has worked with 16,000 Philadelphians and has been replicated in 18 states. The key? Listening
By Natalie PompilioGeneration Change Philly: The Activist Chef
South Philly Barbacoa’s Cristina Martínez has earned the highest honors for chefs in America. But that’s just the start of her most important work
By Katherine RapinGeneration Change Philly: The Doc Saving Us From Ourselves
Penn physician-scientist Kit Delgado applies what he learns from treating injured patients in the ER to changing the behavior that gets us there in the first place.
By Christina GriffithGeneration Change Philly: The Impact Investor Evangelist
Engineer-turned-angel investor John Moore helped launch ImpactPHL with the goal of making Philly the social impact investment capital of the country. Five years later, he may be succeeding
By Roxanne Patel ShepelavyGeneration Change Philly: The Home Maker
Developer Mo Rushdy made his reputation on high-end luxury homes. Now, he’s turned his considerable talents to creating generational wealth for low- to middle-income Philadelphians
By Courtney DuCheneGeneration Change Philly: The Teachers’ Teacher
Laura Boyce doesn’t just advocate for educators in Philadelphia public schools. She teaches them to advocate for themselves, for their students, and for the Philadelphia School District
By Christina Griffith