Who’s Doing Arenas Right?

For two years The Citizen has chronicled win-win sports developments around the country. In light of the long-awaited feasibility study on a proposed Center City Sixers arena, here are some ideas Philly should consider stealing

By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy

Mark Squilla Loves The Process

The fate of the 76ers arena rests on one person’s shoulders (hint: it’s not our new mayor). Is this any way to run a city?

By Malcolm Burnley

Who is Running for City Council in the May 2023 Primary?

We’ve got your list of incumbents and challengers for Philadelphia City Council right here.

By The Philadelphia Citizen Staff

2023 Philadelphia City Council Candidates’ Race for Money

As the pool of candidates for City Council balloons, Philly 3.0’s engagement director looks at how much candidates — both incumbent and prospective members — have raised

By Jon Geeting

Who Will Clean Up Philly?

The City’s disorganization around Philly’s illegal dumping crisis is as messy as the dumping itself. A reporter who has spent months delving into the disaster calls for a leader we can count on

By Nick Russo

What Went Wrong on Washington Avenue

A two-mile paving debacle in Philly symbolizes how government isn’t working for American cities

By Sean Blanda

Mystery Shopper: How hard is it to get rid of illegal dumpsters?

Residents of one South Philly block tried for months to get the City to take action against businesses piling garbage on their street. Why is it so hard to get anyone to listen?

The Fix: R.I.P Councilmanic Prerogative

Every councilperson convicted of a crime in Philly since 1981 committed offenses related to councilmanic prerogative. There is, Philly 3.0’s engagement director says, another way: Planning

By Jon Geeting

The Fix: Let The Sun Shine

The indictment of Councilman Kenyatta Johnson is just the latest example of Philly’s most pressing political problem: Transactionalism

By Larry Platt

That’s A Wrap

What bills passed—and didn’t—in City Council’s final session of the year

By Jon Geeting