Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:

Ever wonder why it’s so hard to get anything done in the morning? It turns out your body is literally not meant to be functional before 10am. Really! New research shows that our cardiac rhythms are completely out of sync with what society has decided is a “work day.” It makes us sleep deprived, and that means that we’re effectively torturing ourselves. Even just one week with less that six hours of sleep per night caused 711 changes in how genes function. (via National Post)

Time was, Americans thought that solar power was cute, but could never be a viable, effective long-term solution to our energy needs. Then again, there was a time when Americans thought that the newfangled "automobile" was just a fad. It turns out that we could use rooftop solar panels alone to satisfy nearly 40 percent of the entire country’s energy needs. Some areas could satisfy nearly all of its needs (California could cover 74 percent of its needs just with solar), while others would struggle (Washington, DC could only cover 18 percent), but the overall national average would be 40 percent. (via FastCo.Exist)

Engineers at Harvard have created a "metamaterial" that can bend, expand, contract, and fold with minimal force application. The technique was inspired by origami, and the result is a structure that can be stored flat, then pop up to create instant shelters. Current prototypes are small and made of plastic, but the concept can be extended to much larger structures made out of sturdier materials, such as steel. (via CityLab)
Photo header: Flickr/Aaron Jacobs