Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:

On Lesbos, Dutch Volunteers Teach Migrants To Turn Boats Into Backpacks
Two young Dutch volunteers in a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos are teaching migrants to turn the rubber boats they arrived on into backpacks for their onward journeys.
From Radio Free Europe
What's the Best Place for a Bus Stop?
A recent study suggests there’s a best—and cheapest!—corner for passenger pickups.
From CityLab
This Uber For Blood Draws Is Cutting Health Care Costs
On-demand phlebotomists are paid $20 per blood draw to come to your home or office, so you don't have to go wait at a lab.
From Fast Co.Exist
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Header photo: Amos Chapple (RFE/RL)