Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:

Mandatory paid maternity (and paternity) leave sounds like an absolute luxury and a bit of a pipe dream to most Americans. But the truth is, unless you live in the U.S. or similarly-advanced countries Oman and Papua New Guinea, it’s the law. It’s absurd how far behind we are on this issue. We do at least have mandatory unpaid maternity leave thanks to the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), but unpaid leave doesn’t do much for low-income households. This week, though, progress was made, as San Francisco became the first place in the U.S. to pass a mandatory paid maternity leave law. (via GOOD)

One of the major barriers to providing services to low-income individuals is time. Between work, long commutes on public transit, and parenting, there just isn’t much time for anything else. That’s why one school in Massachusetts started providing free, healthy groceries to parents when they pick their kids up from school. It saves on time, reduces stigma, and most importantly, helps get nutritious foods in children’s homes. (via FastCo.Exist)

Washington D.C., like Philadelphia, strugges to fund major infrastructure and other initiatives (hey there, soda tax!). But public-private partnerships, or P3s, can make it easier by integrating public works with private construction, such as incorporating a public library into a new housing structure. But D.C., unlike Philly, now has an office in its local government dedicated to fostering P3s for the public benefit. The hope is that this new office can be more efficient and effective, and find ways to tear down any barriers to the success of P3s. (via NextCity)
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