Voice: James Peterson

Black History in the Headwinds of Hate
How do we celebrate Black History Month when our government is seeking to erase everything it stands for?
By James Peterson
How to be the MLK of American Democracy
No matter where we stand in the racial, economic or social ladder, a commitment to excellence, human dignity,and an unwavering pursuit of justice are how we live up to the ideals of the Civil Rights icon celebrated Monday
By James Peterson
This Kwanzaa, Define Thyself
The seven principles of the seven-day celebration, which starts today, are good guides for how to live all year round. A Citizen contributor and WURD host reflects on the ideal that means the most to him
By James Peterson
The Black Rap Avatars of Trumpism
The long history of Hip Hop’s infatuation with Trump, explained
By James Peterson
Black Men and Kamala Harris
Why we must encourage Black men to vote, no matter how they cast their ballots
By James Peterson
“Love each other and raise our children.”
Reflecting on the power of James Baldwin’s timeless lessons in time for what would have been his 100th birthday.
By James Peterson
A Time To Weep
Yes, let’s celebrate our liberation on Juneteenth. But also, let’s remember the history that came before
By James Peterson
The Watermelon and the Flag in Our Upside-Down World
On waving symbols, extreme national distress and the regressive swing of the pendulum
By James Peterson
Erasure and the Fiction of America
What Zora Neale Hurston, Oscar-nominated American Fiction, and the sacrifice of Black women tell us about America on the cusp of Black History and Women’s History months
By James Peterson
Arts, Culture and Brotherly Love
Gregory Walker’s Harlem Renaissance-style salons for The Brother’s Network invite Black men to celebrate their art, knowledge and greatness. Join them Friday for a book talk about race in America
By James Peterson