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Surviving the Quarantine: Board Games

Someone plays a fun and intricate board game during coronavirus quarantine

Header photo courtesy Marco Verch Flickr

Scrabble, Risk, Monopoly—they’re classics for a reason. But as we wade through week six of the pandemic, we could all stand to boost our game stash.

We turned to three local beloved game cafés—Thirsty Dice, The Basement Board Game Cafe, and Queen & Rook—for recommendations. Even better: Thirsty Dice and Queen & Rook are still taking game orders and making game (and food…and in the case of Thirsty Dice, even toilet paper, flour, and pizza- and cookie-making kit) deliveries. And all of them are selling gift cards, which you can buy now to show them some love, and use for an outing when we’re all on the other side.

Have fun, and be sure to check our podcast and book recommendations for other fun things to do during coronavirus quarantine.

Best board games for your quarantine

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